Mastering Dartmouth College's 2024 Supplemental Essays: A Complete Guide

Mastering Dartmouth College's 2024 Supplemental Essays: A Complete Guide

Applying to Dartmouth College for the Class of 2029 means you’ll need to tackle their thought-provoking supplemental essays. Dartmouth's prompts are designed to reveal the depth of your character, your past experiences, and your aspirations. Whether you highlight a powerful personal narrative or explore global ideas, your essays are crucial in showcasing why you’re an ideal fit for Dartmouth. Let’s dive into how to craft compelling responses for each prompt.

Understanding Dartmouth's Supplemental Essay Prompts

Dartmouth requires all applicants to respond to two essay prompts: one required reflection and one shorter prompt chosen from a list of engaging options. Here are the prompts:

Required Essay (100 words): "As you seek admission to Dartmouth’s Class of 2029, what aspects of the college’s academic program, community, and/or campus environment attract your interest? How is Dartmouth a good fit for you?"

Choose one of the following (250 words):

  • There is a Quaker saying: Let your life speak. Describe the environment in which you were raised and the impact it has had on the person you are today.

  • "Be yourself," Oscar Wilde advised. "Everyone else is taken." Introduce yourself.

  • What excites you?

  • Labor leader and civil rights activist Dolores Huerta recommended a life of purpose. “We must use our lives to make the world a better place to live, not just to acquire things,” she said. “That is what we are put on the earth for.” In what ways do you hope to make—or are you already making—an impact? Why? How?

  • In “Oh, The Places You’ll Go,” Dr. Seuss invites us to “Think and wonder. Wonder and think.” Imagine your anticipated academic major: How does that course of study sync with Dr. Seuss’s advice to you?

  • The social and family interactions of wild chimpanzees have been the focus of Dame Jane Goodall’s research for decades. Her understanding of animal behavior prompted the English primatologist to see a lesson for human communities as well. “Change happens by listening and then starting a dialogue with the people who are doing something you don’t believe is right.” Channel Dame Goodall: Tell us about a moment when you engaged in a difficult conversation or encountered someone with an opinion or perspective that was different from your own. How did you find common ground?

  • Celebrate your nerdy side.

  • “It’s not easy being green…” was the frequent refrain of Kermit the Frog. How has difference been a part of your life, and how have you embraced it as part of your identity, outlook or sense of purpose?

  • Buddy Teevens ’79 was a legendary and much beloved coach at Dartmouth. He often told parents: “Your son will be a great football player when it’s football time, a great student when it’s academic time, and a great person all of the time.” If Coach Teevens had said that to you, what would it mean to be “a great person”?

Crafting Your Dartmouth Supplemental Essays

Here's school-specific advice for each essay prompt. Don't forget, Dartmouth is looking for authenticity, reflection, and your true voice. Let’s break down how to respond to these essays effectively.

Required Essay: What Attracts You to Dartmouth? (100 words)

In just 100 words, succinctness is critical. Highlight specific academic programs, traditions, or aspects of Dartmouth’s community that resonate with you. For example, if you're drawn to their unique Institute for Writing and Rhetoric or their outdoor programs, mention how these resources align with your existing passions or future goals. Need help brainstorming specific points? Consider trying Sups AI, which provides tailored suggestions and feedback from current students.

Optional Essay Prompts (250 words)

1. Let Your Life Speak

Here, describe your upbringing and its influence on you. Focus on specific anecdotes that highlight your growth, values, or unique background. Use Sups AI to refine your stories and ensure your narrative is compelling.

2. Be Yourself

Oscar Wilde's quote invites authenticity. Showcase your quirks, passions, and what makes you uniquely you. Think about moments that define you and reflect on them deeply. Use Sups AI to perfect your introduction.

3. What Excites You?

Express your genuine interests here. Whether it’s a hobby, a subject, or a cause, convey your enthusiasm and how it drives you. Get feedback from Sups AI to ensure your excitement translates well on paper.

4. Making an Impact

Discuss your contributions and future aspirations regarding social good. Highlight specific experiences where you have already made a difference or outline your plans to do so during your time at Dartmouth. Need brainstorming help? Click over to Sups AI.

5. Dr. Seuss’s Academic Advice

Envision your major and how it aligns with inquisitive exploration as advised by Dr. Seuss. Provide specific examples of your curiosity and how Dartmouth’s curriculum will fuel it. Use Sups AI for personalized ideas.

6. Finding Common Ground

Detail a situation where you navigated a difficult conversation. Discuss how understanding differing perspectives led to growth or resolution. Sups AI can help you articulate this experience well.

7. Celebrate Your Nerdy Side

Embrace and share your geeky passions. Whether it's a niche interest or an academic obsession, convey why it excites you. Use Sups AI to balance authenticity and enthusiasm.

8. Embracing Difference

Reflect on how being unique has shaped your identity and purpose. Share specific experiences where your differences became strengths. Get suggestions from Sups AI to ensure your reflection is profound.

9. Being a Great Person

Describe what it means to you to be well-rounded as Coach Teevens advises. Highlight attributes and actions that contribute to your holistic development. Sups AI can offer frameworks to build your essay.


Dartmouth College's supplemental essays offer a unique opportunity to showcase your personality, values, and aspirations. Be genuine, thoughtful, and reflective as you respond. And remember, platforms like Sups AI are invaluable tools, helping thousands of students craft essays that resonate with admissions officers. Leverage their expertise to give your application an edge.

Applying to Dartmouth College for the Class of 2029 means you’ll need to tackle their thought-provoking supplemental essays. Dartmouth's prompts are designed to reveal the depth of your character, your past experiences, and your aspirations. Whether you highlight a powerful personal narrative or explore global ideas, your essays are crucial in showcasing why you’re an ideal fit for Dartmouth. Let’s dive into how to craft compelling responses for each prompt.

Understanding Dartmouth's Supplemental Essay Prompts

Dartmouth requires all applicants to respond to two essay prompts: one required reflection and one shorter prompt chosen from a list of engaging options. Here are the prompts:

Required Essay (100 words): "As you seek admission to Dartmouth’s Class of 2029, what aspects of the college’s academic program, community, and/or campus environment attract your interest? How is Dartmouth a good fit for you?"

Choose one of the following (250 words):

  • There is a Quaker saying: Let your life speak. Describe the environment in which you were raised and the impact it has had on the person you are today.

  • "Be yourself," Oscar Wilde advised. "Everyone else is taken." Introduce yourself.

  • What excites you?

  • Labor leader and civil rights activist Dolores Huerta recommended a life of purpose. “We must use our lives to make the world a better place to live, not just to acquire things,” she said. “That is what we are put on the earth for.” In what ways do you hope to make—or are you already making—an impact? Why? How?

  • In “Oh, The Places You’ll Go,” Dr. Seuss invites us to “Think and wonder. Wonder and think.” Imagine your anticipated academic major: How does that course of study sync with Dr. Seuss’s advice to you?

  • The social and family interactions of wild chimpanzees have been the focus of Dame Jane Goodall’s research for decades. Her understanding of animal behavior prompted the English primatologist to see a lesson for human communities as well. “Change happens by listening and then starting a dialogue with the people who are doing something you don’t believe is right.” Channel Dame Goodall: Tell us about a moment when you engaged in a difficult conversation or encountered someone with an opinion or perspective that was different from your own. How did you find common ground?

  • Celebrate your nerdy side.

  • “It’s not easy being green…” was the frequent refrain of Kermit the Frog. How has difference been a part of your life, and how have you embraced it as part of your identity, outlook or sense of purpose?

  • Buddy Teevens ’79 was a legendary and much beloved coach at Dartmouth. He often told parents: “Your son will be a great football player when it’s football time, a great student when it’s academic time, and a great person all of the time.” If Coach Teevens had said that to you, what would it mean to be “a great person”?

Crafting Your Dartmouth Supplemental Essays

Here's school-specific advice for each essay prompt. Don't forget, Dartmouth is looking for authenticity, reflection, and your true voice. Let’s break down how to respond to these essays effectively.

Required Essay: What Attracts You to Dartmouth? (100 words)

In just 100 words, succinctness is critical. Highlight specific academic programs, traditions, or aspects of Dartmouth’s community that resonate with you. For example, if you're drawn to their unique Institute for Writing and Rhetoric or their outdoor programs, mention how these resources align with your existing passions or future goals. Need help brainstorming specific points? Consider trying Sups AI, which provides tailored suggestions and feedback from current students.

Optional Essay Prompts (250 words)

1. Let Your Life Speak

Here, describe your upbringing and its influence on you. Focus on specific anecdotes that highlight your growth, values, or unique background. Use Sups AI to refine your stories and ensure your narrative is compelling.

2. Be Yourself

Oscar Wilde's quote invites authenticity. Showcase your quirks, passions, and what makes you uniquely you. Think about moments that define you and reflect on them deeply. Use Sups AI to perfect your introduction.

3. What Excites You?

Express your genuine interests here. Whether it’s a hobby, a subject, or a cause, convey your enthusiasm and how it drives you. Get feedback from Sups AI to ensure your excitement translates well on paper.

4. Making an Impact

Discuss your contributions and future aspirations regarding social good. Highlight specific experiences where you have already made a difference or outline your plans to do so during your time at Dartmouth. Need brainstorming help? Click over to Sups AI.

5. Dr. Seuss’s Academic Advice

Envision your major and how it aligns with inquisitive exploration as advised by Dr. Seuss. Provide specific examples of your curiosity and how Dartmouth’s curriculum will fuel it. Use Sups AI for personalized ideas.

6. Finding Common Ground

Detail a situation where you navigated a difficult conversation. Discuss how understanding differing perspectives led to growth or resolution. Sups AI can help you articulate this experience well.

7. Celebrate Your Nerdy Side

Embrace and share your geeky passions. Whether it's a niche interest or an academic obsession, convey why it excites you. Use Sups AI to balance authenticity and enthusiasm.

8. Embracing Difference

Reflect on how being unique has shaped your identity and purpose. Share specific experiences where your differences became strengths. Get suggestions from Sups AI to ensure your reflection is profound.

9. Being a Great Person

Describe what it means to you to be well-rounded as Coach Teevens advises. Highlight attributes and actions that contribute to your holistic development. Sups AI can offer frameworks to build your essay.


Dartmouth College's supplemental essays offer a unique opportunity to showcase your personality, values, and aspirations. Be genuine, thoughtful, and reflective as you respond. And remember, platforms like Sups AI are invaluable tools, helping thousands of students craft essays that resonate with admissions officers. Leverage their expertise to give your application an edge.